Graves Elementary School District has been serving its community of students ages Kindergarten to 8th grade since 1879.
Interested in enrolling?
Contact our school office today to learn more!
Lori Contreras - lcontreras@gravesschool.net
School District of Choice Program Participant
By Monterey County Office of Education
Graves Elementary School District (GESD) is participating in California’s School District of Choice Program permitted by Education Code 48300 through 48317 as established in SB 680, the “School District of Choice” Bill. Since GESD is a “School District of Choice,” any parent or guardian who does not live within GESD school district boundaries and is interested in their child attending GESD in grades K-8 will not be required to be released from their district of residence if they apply for, and are accepted to, our District of Choice Program. In addition, once accepted, you will no longer need to complete paperwork from year to year to remain enrolled in the Graves Elementary School District.
2024-2025 District of Choice applications MUST be completed and submitted to the Graves Elementary School District no later than January 1, 2024. You do not need to be released from your district of residence to submit your application and be accepted.
2024-2025 District of Choice application will not be accepted after January 1, 2024.
We look forward to serving your family’s educational needs in the Graves Elementary School District. Please contact the office at (831) 422-6392 or email Lori Contreras at lcontreras@gravesschool.net if you have any questions.
For applications in English and Spanish, please visit our DOC tab and apply today!
Misson Statement
Graves Elementary School District provides a positive, vibrant and inspiring environment where students are valued and encouraged to succeed in becoming life-long learners.
Vision Statement
Graves Elementary School District encourages the development of the whole student. Our aim is to support learners in becoming curious, reflective, and critical in their thinking as global citizens.
Our Values:
Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, Respect.
Graves Elementary School District is committed to:
To provide an educational program that develops students’ curiosity and creativity.
To develop responsible and engaged learners.
To foster tolerance, respect, and acceptance of others.
To build each student’s resilience and self-esteem.
To provide a curriculum that is rich and relevant and allows all students to succeed.
To promote a strong, supportive partnership between home the school, and the wider community.
To have high expectations of ourselves and others.